Consumers expect that organic products are unmodified and left in their natural state to the greatest possible extent. This also implies that only natural compounds are used for flavouring. According to the EU Organic Regulation that has applied thus far, “natural flavours” are permitted and must come from nature, but not necessarily from food. They can be produced by enzymatic or microbiological processes from any source materials occurring in nature.
BNN members therefore agreed in 2004 on a BNN Flavour Recommendation as a guideline exceeding the statutory requirements, stipulating that organic foods should be flavoured primarily using organic foods and organic flavouring preparations. Since then, the BNN Flavour Recommendation – with its clear categorisation according to quality – has set a high standard for the use of flavours in the organic food trade and creates transparency and guidance for all trade levels.
For the manufacturing companies within BNN e.V., the Recommendation applies to the use of flavours and to their identification in master data portals such as Data NatuRe. The wholesale companies use the identifiers in their price lists in order to provide information. Organic food retailers benefit from this transparency when offering advice on the flavours contained in the products.
EU Organic Regulation, Food Book Commission, Topics of quality assurance and quality management
+49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-43