Once the analysis results are available, all participants involved in the monitoring will be informed. The pesticide detections will be classified into five categories, if present and applicable, taking into account drying factors. The first four categories relate to active substances that are not allowed in the EU organic regulation:
1. No pesticides detected
2. Traces: The laboratory measurement minus an analytical range of 50% is below the BNN reference value of 0.01 mg/kg
3. Detections above the BNN reference value: The laboratory measurement minus an analytical range of 50% is above the BNN reference value of 0.01 mg/kg
4. Exceeding the maximum residue limit regulation: The measurement minus an analytical range of 50% is above the legally established maximum residue limit in Europe
5. In organic farming, allowed plant protection products in an allowable quantity.
If the pesticide detection falls into category 3 or 4, a counter analysis will be carried out at a second laboratory to exclude a laboratory error (although laboratory errors and particularly false-positive detections are extremely rare).
All participating companies will be immediately informed about the residue finding. The producer and their suppliers will not be named in the TM. The participating wholesalers can inform the retailers.
If there is suspicion that the product does not comply with the EU organic regulation and therefore may not be traded as "organic", the product will not be marketed by the participants. The project participant will inform their suppliers and ask them to investigate the causes immediately. He will also inform the competent control bodies for organic farming.
If a detection exceeds the maximum residue levels established in the European Maximum Residue Limit Regulation (EC 396/2005 and annexes) (category 4), the product will be immediately seized. The legally prescribed measures will apply. The members of the BNN will be informed at the same time as the participants about non-marketable goods.